Discover Our Therapy Services
“True mental health involves a frank acceptance of how much ill health there will have to be in even the most ostensibly competent and meaningful life. And we should be no more reluctant to seek help than we are when we develop a chest infection or a sore knee – and should consider ourselves no less worthy of love and sympathy.” – Alain de Botton
Our team of qualified therapists are especially trained to help with your child/teen’s well-being. Our approach is unique in that we build treatment plans around the child’s entire ecosystem.
Our collaborative process is geared to enhance emotional and psychological well-being. In our work together, we will explore tangible skills and strategies to improve your quality of life.
Couples often find themselves in the throes of conflict, leading to issues in connection and intimacy. Our work can involve improving communication skills, supporting problem solving, and identifying patterns of distress.
We offer a wide range of groups year round. Topics include parenting stress, distress tolerance, self-esteem, communication, and more. Groups are designed to build connection, peer support, and self-improvement.
Areas We Support
1 in 4 people suffer from anxiety and 5% of the world’s adult population suffer from depression. These are common issues, that can be treated.
Common traumas include:
Experiences of violence, abuse, neglect. Instability at home. Losing someone from separation, divorce, or death, and more.
Life transitions
Life transition are difficult because they are marked by uncertainty. This often causes worry, stress, grief, and a sense of confusion.
Parenting stress
Signs of extreme parenting stress:
Do you find it impossibly hard to cope Are you struggling to control your irritations? Are you often angered by things that are out of your control?
Identity issues
Questioning our identity can occur at various points in life. Attending to early can help prevent low self-esteem, self-loathing, and social isolation.
Workplace burnout
Signs of burnout:
Are you often exausted? Are you often cynical or feel negatively about your workplace? Do you care less and less about your job?
✓ Professionally trained
✓ Telehealth & In-Person
When we experience trauma, we might find it very difficult to live in the present moment. We can often feel stressed, numb, unsafe, and deeply unhappy with ourselves and our relationships. Trauma extends beyond isolated incidents of experiencing horrible events such as sexual assault, car accidents, and natural disasters. We can also be traumatized in relationships that were supposed to be safe and nurturing. We might have grown up in a household where there was emotional abuse that continues to impact us as adults, consciously or subconsciously.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a form of therapy that can help you heal from these disturbing past experiences and learn to feel better about yourself. EMDR involves recalling memories and reprocessing using bi-lateral stimulation such as side-to-side eye movements or physical stimulation. It can be stressful to recall traumatic events, but EMDR is designed to help you feel relief from traumatic symptoms and reduce feelings of shame. At Kinnection, our professionally EMDR-trained therapists deliver the therapy in person and via telehealth.